GreenAcres Life Sciences

GreenAcres applies Deep Transcriptome Analysis using Next Generation Sequencing of cDNA.

Most of the cDNA sequencing is biased to the 3’-UTR region of genes and has a high redundancy in sequence reads resulting in poor value for annotation and mapping. GreenAcres addresses the redundancy of sequence reads and annotation value for a given transcript by anchoring each sequence to the same gene specific region; the 5’-end of the mRNA. The indices consist of
  • 5’-end Untranslated Sequences (5’-UTR)
  • Translational Initiation Sites (TIS)
  • continuing Exogenic region 1 (EXON1)
This data increases the depth of sequencing and creates a unique Gene Inventory representing nearly all expressed genes, including extremely rare and small transcripts. Due to their fixed positions, the data can be used to isolate all differentially spliced and polyadenylated transcripts of one gene and effectively mine for SFPs in 5’-UTR sequences.

The FLX data will contain >400.000 sequences. The raw data file will be processed and statistical analysis on unique sequence reads will be performed. The output file format will give a clear picture of Gene Inventory sequences and their abundance in different samples.

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